
01A-PCWA Prep C (10 year old and under) Saturday
Riders 5
02-PCWA Preliminary 1.1 (10 year old and under) Saturday
Riders 7
03-PCWA Preliminary 1.1 (11 - 13 year old) Saturday
Riders 6
04-PCWA Preliminary 1.1 (14 - 16 year old) Saturday
Riders 5
05-PCWA Preliminary 1.1 (17 - 25 year old) Saturday
Riders 4
06-PCWA Novice 2.1 (8 - 13 year old) Saturday
Riders 4
07-PCWA Novice 2.1 (14 - 16 year old) Saturday
Riders 9
08-PCWA Novice 2.1 (17 - 25 year old) Saturday
Riders 5
09-PCWA Elementary 3.1 (9 - 16 year old) Saturday
Riders 2
10-PCWA Elementary 3.1 (17 - 25 year old) Saturday
Riders 3
13-Open PC Prep C Saturday
Riders 4
14-Open PC Preliminary 1.1 Saturday
Riders 12
15-Open PC Novice 2.1 Saturday
Riders 9