MDHT Highland Series Horse Trials Presented by Dover Saddlery - April

Loch Moy Farm

Dressage starts at 8:00 AM

MDHT Loogo 

2025 MDHT Highland Series Horse Trials Presented by Dover Saddlery

MDHT's Official Un-Recognized Horse Trial Series


ChampionshipFor the Highland Series, there will be a Championship on the November weekend. There will be a Championship division and regular divisions for each level. In order to qualify for a Championship division, the same horse/rider combination must place 1st - 6th in at least 2 of the prior Starters, at the same level. Each qualifying score MUST equal 60.00 or fewer penalty points. The level the rider qualifies at will be their Championship level. Combined Tests do not count towards qualifying placings.

Team CompetitionForm teams of 3 or 4 horse and rider combinations to compete for prizes and medals to be awarded following the final Starter competition. Points from the three highest scoring team members will be added together to determine the total number of points at each event. Teams can be made up of horse and rider combinations from various levels. Points awarded for top 8 placings as follows:

1st place = 10 points; 2nd place = 8 points; 3rd place = 6 points; 4th place = 5 points; 5th place = 4 points; 6th place = 3 points; 7th place = 2 points; 8th place = 1 point

See complete Team rules on the Team Competition page:

Instructor Recognition Program: Throughout the Highland Series instructors can declare and submit their student list to our email prior to the start of each competition. Instructors will gain points based on the placement of each student in each division following the point system below, Championship entries will earn double points. At the end of the series the Instructor with the most points will be our Highland Series Instructor of the Year! Only full horse trial entries are eligible for points. Instructors must declare their students to our email, [email protected], prior to the start of competition. Point system is as followed:

1st place = 10 points; 2nd place = 8 points; 3rd place = 6 points; 4th place = 5 points; 5th place = 4 points; 6th place = 3 points; 7th place = 2 points; 8th place = 1 point


NEW for 2025!

Green Riders (leadline) division: Introducing our new Green Riders division. This division is offered to our leadline riders who are just learning the ropes of eventing! The riders will compete over all three phases with the stadium and cross-country phase merged for efficiency. All show-jumping fences will be set as X-Rails and Cross-country fences will be made up of small, green friendly logs. All phases must be ridden with either a leadline or an unattached side-walker. This division is open to riders 12 and under. It is the rider’s responsibility to control and steer the horse at all times.


Over Fences Only: A new combined test style is being offered this year! Over Fences Only is a CT made up of showjumping and cross country. Like all our CT’s this division will only be pinned if it has 3 or more riders in any one level. Please declare your desired level at the time of entry. All rules of typical competition apply.


Judges: TBD
Highland Horse Trials: The Horse Trials consists of all three phases (dressage, show jumping, cross country) in an unrecognized format. The trials have opening and closing dates, just like the USEF/USEA Recognized Horse Trials. The table below lists the necessary dates for the Highland Series Horse Trials.

Starter Horse Trial Dates:

Opening Date:

Early Bird Closing Date:

Late Closing Date

March 22-23

Feburary 1

March 9

March 16

April 12-13

February 12

March 30

April 6

May 24-25

March 19

May 11

May 18

September 6-7

July 9

August 24

August 31

October 11-12

August 6

September 28

October 5

*November 1-2

September 3

October 19

October 26


* Final Horse Trials (11/1-11/2) competition will run championship divisions along with regular divisions for each level. Championship division schedule will be announced closer to the event.


Highland Series Horse Trials and CT Dressage Tests (note NEW USDF Intro test and New Starter test!):

Dressage Tests:

NEW! Green Rider (Leadline): 2023 Leadline Walk Trot Test A  (20m x 40m) (Walk, Trot)

Intro: USDF 2023 Introductory Test A - small arena (20m x 40m) (Walk, Trot)

Starter: 2022 USEA Starter Test - small arena (20m x 40m) (Walk, Trot, and Canter)

Beginner Novice: USEF 2022 BN Eventing Test A - small arena (20m x 40m)

Novice: USEF 2022 Novice Eventing Test A - small arena (20m x 40m)

Training: USEF 2022 Training Eventing Test A - small arena (20m x 40m)

Modified: USEF 2022 Modified Eventing Test A - small arena (20m x 40m)

Preliminary: USEF 2022 Preliminary Eventing Test A - small arena (20m x 40m)

**Combined tests must ride the test listed for the level. No substitutions.**


Jump Heights:

Preliminary-Modified: 3'7" Stadium, 3'5" Cross Country

Modified: Max 3'5"

Training: Max 3'3"

Novice: Max 2'11"

Beginner Novice: Max 2'7"

Starter: 2' - 2'3"

Intro: 18" - 2'

Green Riders: small logs and cross rails ONLY



Entries will be accepted ONLY through Compete EasyNo paper or emailed entries.

  • You can enter, scratch, change horse, rider or level until the closing date for free, without having to contact the secretary.
  • After the early-bird closing date, you will contact the secretary to make changes.  Changes are $25 for horse or rider; changing to lower levels is FREE.
  • All early bird and final closing dates will be posted on Compete Easy.
  • Compete Easy does not allow unpaid or incomplete entries. You must pay in full, submit a current coggins and digitally sign your Loch Moy Farm waiver at the time of entry.



Watch a video about how to enter here: Enter an Event

Watch our whole video series about how to enter, scratch or make changes to your entry: Compete Easy Videos



  • Payment: All payments must be completed on Compete Easy. No checks, no cash, no website or Venmo payment.
  • Horse Trial: $165 (early-bird fee before closing date is $140);
  • Combined Test: $90 (must ride the test listed for the level. No substitutions). CTs are pinned if there are 3 or more starters at a level; otherwise HC (no ribbon).
  • Over Fences Only: $100 (Showjumping and Cross country. Rider must declare level upon entry.). 
  • Dressage Test of Choice (Small Arena Only): $55
  • Dressage Fix-A-Test (Small Arena Only): $90
  • Stabling:  $50 per night. Shavings $12/bag (no free bag included). Muck deposit of $25 per stall, returned if stall is stripped and swept clean. Please check out at the secretary's stand. All deposit refunds are done through Compete Easy.
  • Included with Stabling: Come early the day before the event and hack along the river, or school the schooling course for no additional fee when stabling. Applies only to horses entered in the event.
  • Shavings: $12/bag
  • Show Change Fee: N/A - we are not able to move entries to future dates.
  • Office Fee: $25/entry (nonrefundable, included in cost of entry)
  • Non-Compete Horse Fee: $50 per horseInclude Coggins of non-compete horse with entry. Bridle number will be issued and must be worn while the horse is on grounds. (Bring a used or universal bridle number tag! We will not give out bridle numbers).
  • Camping: $50 per night for electric hook-up. (LQ trailer or camper, no extra trailer). All trailers must be parked in designated satellite lot unless otherwise instructed.
  • Late Coggins: $25 per horse. late fee assessed for all paperwork not received by the late closing date. You will not be able to ride until all fees are paid and all paperwork is received. Ride times will be withheld from any rider that fails to provide both payment and a current Coggins by Wednesday night prior to the event.
  • Entries submitted via Email after late closing: any entry received after the late closing date will be assessed a $50 late fee for ANY class. Paperwork must be received to create the entry. The show secretary reserves the right to deny any late entries that do not provide all up to date information, paperwork, or payment. Entries after late closing are not guaranteed if they cannot seamlessly fit into the schedule.



  • Refunds: Scratch through the early-bird close date with a refund less $25 office fee. AFTER THE FINAL CLOSING DATE, NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS WILL BE ISSUED.
  • Wait list: If there is a wait list, a refund or credit less the $25 office fee will be issued to any scratch whose spot can be filled off the wait list. Entries may not be transferred or sold to others.
  • Show cancellation: If for any reason the show is cancelled, there is no refund. Credits may be issued as circumstances allow.


  • You must print two copies of your pinny number based on what is assigned to you with the ride times. The number will also be emailed to you. Bring your numbers and pinny holder with you! Use an old bridle number or buy a universal bridle number. No bridle numbers will be given out at the show. Printing your pinny number at the show office will incur a $5 fee
  • Don’t wait until the closing date to enter! We fill early. The number of spaces left will be shown in the event details on Compete Easy.
  • Scheduling requests must be submitted with your entry. Not all requests can be fulfilled. Put your requests in your Compete Easy entry!
  • Riders may enter up to two horses into the event. If a rider would like to enter more than two horses, please email the show secretary. If a rider is competing more than one horse in a single day, we recommend that they bring a groom. Not all multi-entries may fit in a schedule if classes do not fill. If a rider enters more than two horses for the same competition day without secretary approval they will NOT be entitled to a refund. 
  • Enter Thoroughbred Incentive Program (TIP) numbers, series team names, and requests for accommodation where specified. TIP must be done in advance of closing date. All other notes and requests should go in the Notes field.
  • Ride times will be posted on the THURSDAY before the show on the homepage at
  • Vet and farrier will be on call. Numbers will be posted at stabling and on the scoreboard. Inquire for number at the office if help is needed.
  • We follow the USEF/USEA Rules for Recognized Horse Trials throughout the competition. This includes an inquiry period following the initial posting of the scores. A Technical Delegate will be available to discuss your scores. 
  • Erin Gilmore Photography is our official event photographer for the Highland series. No other professional photography is permitted. 
  • No unauthorized motor vehicles of any kind (including e-bikes) are allowed on course or near dressage area.
  • NO unleashed dogs. Unleashed dogs will incur $100 fine and competitor elimination.
# Class Status Notes Test Fee
01PM Preliminary-Modified (Saturday) Open $140.00
02M Modified (Saturday) Open $140.00
03T Training (Saturday) Open $140.00
04N Novice (Saturday) Open $140.00
05JN Junior Novice (Saturday) Open $140.00
06BN Beginner Novice (Saturday) Open $140.00
07JBN Junior Beginner Novice (Saturday) Open $140.00
08ST Starter (Saturday) Open $140.00
09JST Junior Starter (Saturday) Open $140.00
10I Introductory (Saturday) Open $140.00
11JI Junior Introductory (Saturday) Open $140.00
12CTP Preliminary Combined Test (Saturday) Open $90.00
13CTM Modified Combined Test (Saturday) Open $90.00
14CTT Training Combined Test (Saturday) Open $90.00
15CTN Novice Combined Test (Saturday) Open $90.00
16CTBN Beginner Novice Combined Test (Saturday) Open $90.00
17CTST Starter Combined Test (Saturday) Open $90.00
18CTI Introductory Combined Test (Saturday) Open $90.00
18OFO Over Fences Only (Saturday) 10 left NEW FOR 2025! More details in the Event Information $100.00
19DGS Dressage Test of Choice (small arena) HC, no ribbon - (Saturday) Open $55.00
19FATS Dressage Fix-a-Test (small arena) - Afternoon Only - (Saturday) 4 left $90.00
20N Novice (Sunday) Open $140.00
21N Junior Novice (Sunday) Open $140.00
22BNU Beginner Novice (Sunday) Open $140.00
23JBNU Junior Beginner Novice (Sunday) Open $140.00
24ST Starter (Sunday) Open $140.00
25JST Junior Starter (Sunday) Open $140.00
26IN Introductory (Sunday) Open $140.00
27JIN Junior Introductory (Sunday) Open $140.00
27RG Green Riders (Leadline) (Sunday Only) Open NEW FOR 2025! More details in the Event Information $120.00
28CTNU Novice Combined Test (Sunday) Open $90.00
29CTBU Beginner Novice Combined Test (Sunday) Open $90.00
30CTEL Starter Combined Test (Sunday) Open $90.00
31CTIN Introductory Combined Test (Sunday) Open $90.00
31OFO Over Fences Only (Sunday) 9 left NEW FOR 2025! More details in the Event Information $100.00
32DGSU Dressage Test of Choice (small arena) HC, no ribbon - (Sunday) Open $55.00
34FATS Dressage Fix-a-Test (small arena) - Afternoon Only - (Sunday) 4 left $90.00
40NoC NonCompete Horse Open use of warm-up areas allowed; no jumping $50.00

Event Notes

10x10 permanent stall w sliding door
20 amp electric hook-up
no hook-up; tent or trailer camping
tack stall

Contact Details

[email protected]
Carolyn Mackintosh
[email protected]
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