1. Enter Working Trot Develop Medium Walk
2. Track Left Medium Walk
3. Working Trot Working Trot
4. Circle Left 20m Proceed to F
5. Medium Walk Change Rein Free Walk
6. Medium Walk
7. Working Trot Working Trot
8. Circle Right 20m Proceed to K
9. Medium WalkMedium Walk Change Rein Free Walk
10. Medium Walk Working Trot
11. Working Trot
12. Turn Down Centre Line Walk to Halt, Salute
13. Paces (freedom and regularity)
14. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of steps, suppleness of the back and engagement of the hindquarters)
15. Submission (attention and confidence, harmony, lightness and ease of the movements acceptance of the bridle and lightness of the forehand)
16. Rider (position and seat of the rider, correct use of the aids and effectiveness of the aids)